The contact with a God, whatever he is, requires the construction of an inner temple. So the heart chakra, gold grotto tinted with emerald, is the center of this temple, even if our physical body is also its entire center. As any powerful and " extraordinary " contact requires a specific, sound and protective place, the human being has always sought to shelter from bad weather, from wild animals and from aggression of any kind. The men began to live in caves, then, thanks to the Nephilims, learnt little by little to build their home.
Enki (Ptah) built the first pyramids in Sumer and taught these techniques to the men.
But it was especially in Egypt, that the God Ptah, Creator of everything and thus " Great Architect of the Universe ", became for the peoples " Grand Architect of the Human World ".
He loved and protected the artists, the architects, the creators who as him, at their human level, followed their inspiration and created, created, created.
The names of some of these architects, such Imothep, creator of the first pyramid crossed the ages.
The Golden Age in Egypt, coincides with "the ancient empire", which lasted more than 500 peaceful years from 2700 till 2100 BC and was never equalled by any other civilizations.
Here are the real bases of the Egyptian civilization: arts, philosophy, religion, political institutions...
At this moment were built the pyramids of Guizeh, weirdly aligned on the 30th parallel, skilfully connected with the 4 directions, all of them pointing their summit towards stars and constellations, in particular Orion.

Now, when we discover the books of Zecharia Sitchin, we read that already in Sumer, the Nephilimshad divided the planet in two plans:
- the world of above which was over the 30th parallel
- the world of below which was under the 30th parallel.
So, when papyri, tablets or books told about the "world of below ", it was certainly not about "Hells", but about many territories situated under the 30th parallel, such as South Africa, for example, where the Nephilims extracted the gold which would be used for the necessary shield to protect Nibiru.
(And I repeat it again and again: the Nephilims are not reptilians, devils, monsters or any danger for us. They have nothing to do with the giants deliberately debilitated by the Bible nor with lizards. The Nephilims of Enki are our creative, positive and loving Gods, Enki is their leader and the most powerful. All of them even today pay the price of their fight FOR us).
The Egyptian Gold Age increased in Memphis, capital of the country, where the god Ptah reigned in the heart of people, where Ptah-Enki, once more offered to the man a superior technology.

1 - The interior of Pyramids or the comfort of the Dead
(images: les pyramides chez Nathan)
For the Egyptians, the pyramid is a banister towards the sky, a sacred way towards the Gods. It is the first emerged ground when the God Sun ( Ptah-Ra-Amon) created the world.
We also name it " benben ", sacred stone fell from the sky. A magic place, consequently, from where the spirit can be reborn and live in the beyond.
Below, the antechamber of the grave.
An anteroom full of useful objects for the Pharaoh, once in the world beyond. The concept of the afterlife in Egypt was that the deceased died only in this earthly life, not in that of other worlds. Consequently he needed a lot of things. Priests had for only task to take charge of the grave, of the daily offerings, of the prayers and rites of worship and support for the deceased.(click to enlarge the images).
( N°3 on the image is the representation of an archaeologist in search of treasures...)
Both statues are representations of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is the divine embodiment on Earth, duty-bound to feed his people and to build the incommensurable. Sent by the Gods, he must pass on their greatness by building. On their behalf.
An aside about the concept of Pharaoh
Pharaoh is not a man who was lucky to be born in the right family at the right time. He is a being of divine essence. He is conceived, produced and fed by the gods. The God Râ ( Rê) takes the shape and the aspect of the reigning Pharaoh to unite physically to his queen and give birth to the legitimate heir of the throne. Knoum, the creator god with a head of ram, fashions on his potter's wheel the body of the child and that of his genius protector, the Kâ. The child will be breast-fed by the divinities. This conception of birth is the basis between divine worship and royal worship. The monarchy is closely connected to the religion of which it is one of its expression. At that time, in Egypt, the woman is the equal of the man. (But yes, we are still far from the "revelation" of the Islam). Thanks to her divine origin and her divine blood, a woman can reign as a queen like a man or pass on her right to her husband.
This conception of filiation between Pharaoh and the gods explains the consanguine marriages between brother and sister, indispensable to keep intact the purity of the divine blood. Pharaoh in Egyptian means " big house ". He is thus the carnal son of Râ, all-powerful on Earth, guarantor and responsible for the proper functioning of the world. (Below, Pharaoh in a fight)
In order to bear such a responsibility, gods' help is insufficient. He must considerably increase his magic strength. To do so, rites of enthronement which can be repeated if necessary take place, in particular the Sed or Heb Sed, which takes back partially the essential rite of coronation of the Pharaoh to regenerate his strength. This rite takes place every thirty years, but in fact, it could take place when necessary. Magic, power, beauty, immoderation, such is the magnificence of Egypt, because, do not forget that " the flesh of Gods is made with gold ". Below, Anubis protects the access to the grave.
The golden reliquary ( 8 ) contains the Canopic jars, (below Canopic jar with baboon head - image Atlas Editions) which contain the organs of the mummified Pharaoh.
The boats allow crossing to the world of beyond, to travel in the daytime with Râ and at night with Osiris. They are the most usual means of transportation. Even the Sun God takes it to cross Heavens.(Below, god Râ and Thot, the Grand Wise, on the solar boat - image Atlas Editions)
Note the presence of snakes and Horus' eye. (We shall speak about these symbols, when we shall contact Ptah).

Let's see now about the notables and the people.

2 - The interior of houses: from the people to the notablesNaturally, the warm and dry climate of Egypt involved an outdoor life. (Although it is not sure it was the usual climate of Egypt in these ancient times). It seems obvious that the houses had especially for function, rest and intimacy. So they were rather small, approximately 4 rooms for the common people, close to watercourse and close to the master's house which was much more bigger and surrounded with gardens and with points of waters. I give you here some images. Note the architecture with "right angle". Things are clear and straight, everybody is at the right place, everything seems simple and settled for eternity. The quirky houses seem to be an heresy. (The more the house is "original", the more the energy will circulate there also in a very "original way", with all the consequences).
There was always, with Enki in Sumer, then in Egypt, a sort of education about the comfort and the life style.
We saw that already in Sumer, Enki taught the men to sleep in a bed and also to have a table with chairs. He gave them the notion of textile, (the linen is privileged in Egypt and the animal fibers are forbidden), of garment, of dishes by the big development of pottery, for example. The crafts were extremely developed in Memphis, grand city of Ptah, who was then identified as the " god of the craftsmen ".
(Below, craftsmen at work - Memphis - image Atlas editions)
This sophisticated* god always tried to rise the man towards a better life style and in every domain.(* Ndt: the french word "raffiné" is difficult almost impossible to translate in its entirety in english. The point here is to express that the god Enki /Ptah is at the same time intelligent, elegant, refined, stylish, delicate, artistic, tasteful, very subtle in his choices. All theses are the expression of a higher, very advanced spirit, unthinkable for us)
He has at the same time the taste of what is beautiful but also useful. And of pleasures. The wine and the beer are popular in Egypt. One lives bare, the body is a natural "thing", also the sexual intercourse. (And so Enki does not condemn the sexual preferences if they do not involve children and if the alduts are consenting). Some frescoes or statues representing the human body or the bare intimacy without any complexes.

Enki (Ptah) built the first pyramids in Sumer and taught these techniques to the men.
But it was especially in Egypt, that the God Ptah, Creator of everything and thus " Great Architect of the Universe ", became for the peoples " Grand Architect of the Human World ".
He loved and protected the artists, the architects, the creators who as him, at their human level, followed their inspiration and created, created, created.
The names of some of these architects, such Imothep, creator of the first pyramid crossed the ages.
The Golden Age in Egypt, coincides with "the ancient empire", which lasted more than 500 peaceful years from 2700 till 2100 BC and was never equalled by any other civilizations.
Here are the real bases of the Egyptian civilization: arts, philosophy, religion, political institutions...
At this moment were built the pyramids of Guizeh, weirdly aligned on the 30th parallel, skilfully connected with the 4 directions, all of them pointing their summit towards stars and constellations, in particular Orion.

Now, when we discover the books of Zecharia Sitchin, we read that already in Sumer, the Nephilimshad divided the planet in two plans:
- the world of above which was over the 30th parallel
- the world of below which was under the 30th parallel.
So, when papyri, tablets or books told about the "world of below ", it was certainly not about "Hells", but about many territories situated under the 30th parallel, such as South Africa, for example, where the Nephilims extracted the gold which would be used for the necessary shield to protect Nibiru.
(And I repeat it again and again: the Nephilims are not reptilians, devils, monsters or any danger for us. They have nothing to do with the giants deliberately debilitated by the Bible nor with lizards. The Nephilims of Enki are our creative, positive and loving Gods, Enki is their leader and the most powerful. All of them even today pay the price of their fight FOR us).
The Egyptian Gold Age increased in Memphis, capital of the country, where the god Ptah reigned in the heart of people, where Ptah-Enki, once more offered to the man a superior technology.
I put numerous videos about Egypt which question about the "diktats" of "experts", who, as usual, know everything better than anybody. But who decides to accept their "expertise" otherwise than others who do not anything about it ? Narrow-minded is their demontration.
How can one arrogantly assert still today that the Egyptians built pyramids "blindly"(meaning without reflection; without a rational basis) and that the location of pyramids were arbitrarily chosen while it is now absolutely proved that, and those who prove it are supported by the astronomers, the great pyramids of Guizeh were built with a "special" orientation, including the Sphinx.
Besides, as the three pioneers writers of these videos clearly explain it, the tracks of erosion on the legs of the Sphinx can only result from the repeated water flow during a long period of time. They think that a civilization more ancient than Egypt could have built the pyramids of Guizeh, as an element of contact between the human beings and others "somewhere else". They evoke the Atlantis.
How can one arrogantly assert still today that the Egyptians built pyramids "blindly"(meaning without reflection; without a rational basis) and that the location of pyramids were arbitrarily chosen while it is now absolutely proved that, and those who prove it are supported by the astronomers, the great pyramids of Guizeh were built with a "special" orientation, including the Sphinx.
Besides, as the three pioneers writers of these videos clearly explain it, the tracks of erosion on the legs of the Sphinx can only result from the repeated water flow during a long period of time. They think that a civilization more ancient than Egypt could have built the pyramids of Guizeh, as an element of contact between the human beings and others "somewhere else". They evoke the Atlantis.
But it is exactly what explains Zecharia Sitchin in his books, regarding the relation between the constellation of Orion and Sirius, and the pyramids of Guizeh. Already in Sumer, it was the case.
Furthermore, it is absolutely impossible still today to explain how human beings, who lived 7000 years ago, could know the directions, the constellations, the ten planets, geologic features etc.. without high technology equipment.
In these old times, such an equipment can only result from superior sources, from very advanced Beings who came to educate peoples.
Do not forget: all the free and open-minded spirits say the same thing: it was a time when the Gods walked among the men.
I suggest you to leave the outside of the big monuments to come inside. Not only pyramids or palaces, but also more modest houses, to see and feel the heart of this never equalled culture that was Ancient Egypt. After this visit, we can contact ENKI / PTAH.
Furthermore, it is absolutely impossible still today to explain how human beings, who lived 7000 years ago, could know the directions, the constellations, the ten planets, geologic features etc.. without high technology equipment.
In these old times, such an equipment can only result from superior sources, from very advanced Beings who came to educate peoples.
Do not forget: all the free and open-minded spirits say the same thing: it was a time when the Gods walked among the men.
I suggest you to leave the outside of the big monuments to come inside. Not only pyramids or palaces, but also more modest houses, to see and feel the heart of this never equalled culture that was Ancient Egypt. After this visit, we can contact ENKI / PTAH.
1 - The interior of Pyramids or the comfort of the Dead
(images: les pyramides chez Nathan)
For the Egyptians, the pyramid is a banister towards the sky, a sacred way towards the Gods. It is the first emerged ground when the God Sun ( Ptah-Ra-Amon) created the world.
We also name it " benben ", sacred stone fell from the sky. A magic place, consequently, from where the spirit can be reborn and live in the beyond.
Below, the antechamber of the grave.
An anteroom full of useful objects for the Pharaoh, once in the world beyond. The concept of the afterlife in Egypt was that the deceased died only in this earthly life, not in that of other worlds. Consequently he needed a lot of things. Priests had for only task to take charge of the grave, of the daily offerings, of the prayers and rites of worship and support for the deceased.(click to enlarge the images).

Both statues are representations of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is the divine embodiment on Earth, duty-bound to feed his people and to build the incommensurable. Sent by the Gods, he must pass on their greatness by building. On their behalf.
An aside about the concept of Pharaoh
Pharaoh is not a man who was lucky to be born in the right family at the right time. He is a being of divine essence. He is conceived, produced and fed by the gods. The God Râ ( Rê) takes the shape and the aspect of the reigning Pharaoh to unite physically to his queen and give birth to the legitimate heir of the throne. Knoum, the creator god with a head of ram, fashions on his potter's wheel the body of the child and that of his genius protector, the Kâ. The child will be breast-fed by the divinities. This conception of birth is the basis between divine worship and royal worship. The monarchy is closely connected to the religion of which it is one of its expression. At that time, in Egypt, the woman is the equal of the man. (But yes, we are still far from the "revelation" of the Islam). Thanks to her divine origin and her divine blood, a woman can reign as a queen like a man or pass on her right to her husband.
This conception of filiation between Pharaoh and the gods explains the consanguine marriages between brother and sister, indispensable to keep intact the purity of the divine blood. Pharaoh in Egyptian means " big house ". He is thus the carnal son of Râ, all-powerful on Earth, guarantor and responsible for the proper functioning of the world. (Below, Pharaoh in a fight)

Graves, as many internal walls of the pyramid, were covered with frescoes made with symbols, messages for the Gods and the future generations, elevation.
Here are some examples:

Let's see now about the notables and the people.
2 - The interior of houses: from the people to the notablesNaturally, the warm and dry climate of Egypt involved an outdoor life. (Although it is not sure it was the usual climate of Egypt in these ancient times). It seems obvious that the houses had especially for function, rest and intimacy. So they were rather small, approximately 4 rooms for the common people, close to watercourse and close to the master's house which was much more bigger and surrounded with gardens and with points of waters. I give you here some images. Note the architecture with "right angle". Things are clear and straight, everybody is at the right place, everything seems simple and settled for eternity. The quirky houses seem to be an heresy. (The more the house is "original", the more the energy will circulate there also in a very "original way", with all the consequences).
The people " in the fields " and some small houses.
Note " the life on the roofs " and the importance of the open-air terraces.
Note, in the background of the image, the sports games.
There was always, with Enki in Sumer, then in Egypt, a sort of education about the comfort and the life style.
We saw that already in Sumer, Enki taught the men to sleep in a bed and also to have a table with chairs. He gave them the notion of textile, (the linen is privileged in Egypt and the animal fibers are forbidden), of garment, of dishes by the big development of pottery, for example. The crafts were extremely developed in Memphis, grand city of Ptah, who was then identified as the " god of the craftsmen ".
(Below, craftsmen at work - Memphis - image Atlas editions)

He has at the same time the taste of what is beautiful but also useful. And of pleasures. The wine and the beer are popular in Egypt. One lives bare, the body is a natural "thing", also the sexual intercourse. (And so Enki does not condemn the sexual preferences if they do not involve children and if the alduts are consenting). Some frescoes or statues representing the human body or the bare intimacy without any complexes.

And close the sycamore, very appreciated tree in these ancient times for the shade it gave and especially for its wood.
Observe the difference with a Sumerian house much more sober and barer.But already in Sumer, jewels are precursors of the magnificence of Egypt. Here is a gold and lapis lazuli necklace with its earrings.
(The same image source as above)

In the rich houses, the clay soil is replaced by a brick-built tiled floor and the walls are covered with pisé (rammed earth) by painted walls, decorated with motives such as festoons.

Below, the geometrical drawings of the ceiling of graves doubtless reproduce the decoration of the ceilings of houses.

It seems interesting to end this message speaking about colors. Egypt is extremely colored, much more than Sumer was. Colors have a meaning for the Egyptians. Let's see which one. The color indicates the being of the object or the human being. Indeed, the attribution of one color always relates, in Egypt, to the properties of the person or the represented thing. So, the male bodies are painted in a strong brown color, while the feminine bodies are mostly painted in a more light yellow.The orange for the man restored on a fresco his maturity, sometimes his fragility.
The Gold is connected to the sacred buildings, to the purity. It embodies the cosmic force and the pure light of divine origin. It also shows the power, the embodied power, the flesh of gods, the invisible worlds which invest Earth. From where the profusion of this color in Egypt.
Black is the profoundness of beings. That's why Anubis was adorned with a black fur which finally became " his skin ", from where his representation always in black and gold. The black for Ancient Egypt is the symbol of the original soil towards which any life returns to be reborn. The black is the inescapable passage, and especially the center of any thing. And so Min, god of fertility and symbol of revival, was black.
Think to Osiris, to integrate at once the meaning of the black color. But also Horus, (below -Louvre)nevertheless solar. The light is contained in " the darkness ".
The green is generally the Good. The enjoyment and the protection. That's why also often, Osiris is worshipped as " the great green ", symbol of revival. He is sometimes painted all green.

The red is an ambivalent color, as for us. It is at the same time health and vitality, but also anger and violence. That is why the god Seth, associated with the destruction, had red eyes and hair.